
Distill or reorganize complicated information into simple structure


As AI tools evolve, they allow people who don't have a technical background to quickly find connections in large data sets that would have been difficult to find previously, or may have eluded them. The Synthesis prompt gives average people that super power.

This prompt type is frequently seen in open canvas tools, where users may have a lot of data strewn across a document and need help collecting it and structuring it. Most of the whiteboarding tools (Figjam, Miro, etc) offer this in a similar way, suggesting this patten is becoming commoditized.

Another application of thesynthesis prompt is to summarize long documents, or multiple documents. Many text editing tools are adding the ability to summarize documents or pull out key takeaways. Grain and other video tools offer similar functionality for voice files.

There are many other applications where this prompt makes sense. Consider talking with data scientists at your company to learn how they approach large data sets for inspiration into how to make this more accessible to consumers.



Lack of caveats
When this is applied in a canvas setting, it may be difficult to warn users of the limitations of the AI in a way that breaks through. People could draw conclusions off of the synthesis that are not strong, or fail push back on the AI's organization.

Figma offers text synthesis directly within the canvas
Notion's text synthesis tools include the ability to summarize a long document
Specific takeaways can be pulled from the input as well
Adobe's new PDF processing tools can take a long document and isolate key points
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